MIDA's Commitment to Community Engagement and Support - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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MIDA’s Commitment to Community Engagement and Support

>Corporate Social Responsibility>MIDA’s Commitment to Community Engagement and Support

MIDA's Commitment to Community Engagement and Support

On July 28, 2024, MIDA organised a CSR programme at Maahad Tahfiz Ummul Qura’ in Kg. Tebuk Mufrad, reflecting our dedication to social responsibility and community support. This initiative aimed to demonstrate MIDA’s contributions to the community by delivering zakat funds to those in need.


The programme provided MIDA participants with an eye-opening experience, offering insights into rural life while fostering a sense of empathy and compassion. The zakat funds were used to provide financial assistance to the school, with a focus on improving its water system and installing three new tanks. Additionally, school supplies were donated to 130 students, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary tools to ease their studies with the hope to motivate them to pursue their education.


This programme underscores MIDA’s ongoing commitment to community service and social responsibility, highlighting our dedication to making a positive impact on the society.
