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We are committed to achieve the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability in our business operations with our stakeholders, by adhering the following policies and initiatives:
As the government’s principal investment promotion and development agency, MIDA is committed in applying the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity as well as ensuring this agency is free from any corruption activities. MIDA is also committed to ensuring that all of our members, business partners and other parties dealing with MIDA, are free of corruption by adhering to the principles outlined below:
Chief Executive Officer MIDA
MIDA encourages openness and transparency in its commitment to achieve the highest standards of integrity and accountability in its business operations.
Individuals who discover corruption and improper conduct within MIDA’s operation are encouraged to report such matters, in good faith without fear of retaliation and discrimination.
This Whistleblower Policy provides an avenue for the whistleblowers to address their concerns about corruption and improper conduct within this organization. The policy is aimed to act as an early warning system to avert possible risks of loss or reputation damage to MIDA.
Whistleblowers are advised to make their disclosures through email [email protected] and to provide sufficient details which include the following:
MIDA is committed to achieve the highest standard of integrity in conducting its business with our stakeholders.
In line with the commitment, we adopt No Gift Policy, whereby MIDA employees shall not accept or give any personal/festive gifts of any kind.
This policy is aimed to avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of such in our current or potential business dealings.
We thank you for your support.
Chief Executive Officer MIDA
MIDA Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (MIDA-ACP) 2022-2026, is a comprehensive strategy to identify risks of corruption, governance and integrity in MIDA and establish preventive action plans. The establishment of OACP is a requirement by Malaysia’s National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) 2019-2023.
MIDA has collaborated with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA) to develop the MIDA-ACP 2022-2026. It is a framework of control mechanisms that consists of 43 action plans, which have been identified based on four priority areas namely Investment Evaluation, Strategic Planning, Investment Promotion & Facilitation and Corporate Governance.
MIDA-ACP 2022-2026 solidifies our commitment to become a high integrity organisation with zero tolerance to corruption. It is also a guide towards implementation of integrity agenda in MIDA holistically.
We are committed to successfully implement all the initiatives outlined in this plan within the stipulated time frame.