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Allo Technology Sdn. Bhd. or well known as Allo is an established telecommunication service provider that plays an essential role in enabling Malaysia’s advancement in technology and connectivity through its fiber infrastructure, alongside with data centre-to-data centre and cross-border connectivity to Thailand and Singapore.
With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Allo initially started with implementing, operating and managing metro fiber optic, Metro Ethernet (Metro-E) and broadband networks in Cyberjaya and Bangsar South commercial development. Hence, its ability led to the launch of Malaysia’s first-ever residential broadband package with speeds up to 1Gbps.
The company, led by Mr. Rodzi Ahmad, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), continues to soar with its carrier network, Allo Carrier Network Services (ACNS) and Open-Access network business model that aimed to offer the best connectivity for businesses as well as closing the digital divide between urban and sub-urban areas.
As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia’s largest electricity utility company Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Allo benefits its parent company’s utility infrastructure which is more cost-effective to roll out the fiber infrastructure on Open-Access that allows other Retails Service Providers (RSPs) to offer their services to end-users.
Being able to lay fiber at a lower cost compared to other RSPs, the Open-Access operating model is also offered to other market players at a more competitive price.
“In line with the Malaysian Government’s Jalinan Digital Negara, the operating model has created a level playing field with a healthy competition between RSPs and benefits the community either in urban or sub-urban areas whereby they can enjoy the same packages despite different geographical background. Thus far, about seven other RSPs including Astro, Maxis and Digi have leveraged on the Open-Access infrastructure to extend their fiber footprint faster and at a lower cost,” said Mr. Rodzi.
Last year, Allo had launched a pilot project in Jasin, Melaka as a proof of concept to the Government that it is possible to lay the fiber using TNB’s existing infrastructure, which will be cheaper in terms of cost, faster to install and extensive accessibility. The town of Jasin was chosen since it comprised of not only urban residential but also sub-urban, outskirt and remote areas.
The successful implementation of high-speed broadband (HSBB) network had benefited approximately 17,000 homepasses in Melaka and 10,000 homepasses in Perak with Internet speed up to 1Gbps.
Moving forward, Allo will expand its shared infrastructure to other states including Perak, Kedah and Johor, among others, with projected 170,000 home passes by quarter two of the year 2021, allowing more RSPs to deliver connectivity for businesses and household at a faster mode with economical rates.
To date, Allo’s main aim is to expand the Open-Access network nationwide, in bridging the digital divide between urban and sub-urban areas to allow the same internet experience and decrease monopoly in the market.
To meet the aim, Allo followed the same core values as TNB, which are integrity, collaboration, professionalism, customer centricity, forward-thinking and mindfulness.Apart from the Open-Access infrastructure, Allo takes the pride in its Allo Carrier Network Services (ACNS), an internal carrier network which covers nationwide Fiber Optic Connectivity crossing from Singapore to Thailand with redundant route. The multi-terabit backbone capacity is using Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology. Through the ACNS, businesses will be able to connect to cities, nationwide and neighbouring countries.
Besides, the two core businesses, Allo also supports local mobile operators and 5G rollout through tower fiberisation which will enhance the quality of cellular services in Malaysia. The company also took part in the State Industrial Gigabit Network, an initiative to provide fiber optic network for better connectivity across the nation.
Identifying themselves as a partner who complements the telecommunication industry, Allo looks forward to partnering with other RSPs to elevate and enable the initiative of Industry 4.0 not only in Malaysia but also in neighbouring countries.
Allo is committed to doing its part in accelerating digitalisation, especially in sub-urban areas through its infrastructure. This can be done by rolling out its fiber infrastructure, through continuous support from the Government agencies such as the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission as well as other RSPs.