Megasonic Sweeping Remains Confident of Long-term Opportunities in Malaysia - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Megasonic Sweeping Remains Confident of Long-term Opportunities in Malaysia

>Why Malaysia Series>Megasonic Sweeping Remains Confident of Long-term Opportunities in Malaysia

Megasonic Sweeping Remains Confident of Long-term Opportunities in Malaysia

Megasonic Sweeping is one of the many companies under the umbrella of the Ultrasonic Group incorporated in the US. The strength of the group is all things related to ultrasonic technology such as ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic plastic welding, ultrasonic sieving and ultrasonic cutting.


The company was incorporated in Malaysia in 2006 with a focus on high-frequency sonic applications. A lot of research is done on this subject to develop stable and uniform power distribution with high sweeping frequency in a cleaning bath. This unique technology is patented in 2012. The megasonic sweeping technology is now used in the high-end precision cleaning of hard disk drives, semiconductors. There has also been some interesting breakthrough utilising this technology in the medical industry as well.


With MIDA’s support and facilitation, Megasonic Sweeping began to invest in Malaysia and in 2018 built a new 100,000 sqft manufacturing facility in Penang. As the global demand for high-end precision cleaning began to soar, Megasonic Sweeping is well-positioned to tap the market with the right technology, skilled labour and cost-effective manufacturing environment.

Given the potential market size and conducive business environment, Megasonic Sweeping is confident that the organisation will continue to invest in Malaysia. A lot more R&D work is in the pipeline and collaboration with local universities has also been established to enhance the merging of academics into real-world applications.


According to Megasonic Sweeping, companies that are considering investing in Malaysia should take advantage of the skilled workforce that is available and approach MIDA as their first point of contact to unlock the investment opportunities in Malaysia. MIDA is efficient in providing guidance and support to accelerate your business growth here and promote healthy partnerships through local counterparts and other stakeholders.


Source: MIDA e-Newsletter May 2021

