Developing Future-Ready Talent, Powering Malaysia’s Economy - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Developing Future-Ready Talent, Powering Malaysia’s Economy

>Highlights>Developing Future-Ready Talent, Powering Malaysia’s Economy

Developing Future-Ready Talent, Powering Malaysia’s Economy

As more high-tech innovative companies are making Malaysia their investment destination of choice, a future ready talent pipeline is important to be nurtured to support these growing demands. The MIDA Assessment Development Centre (MADC) HyTalent Programme is among ongoing efforts by the Government to increase high-value job opportunities for Malaysians and meet the country’s workforce needs, in tandem with enhancing the overall industry’s ecosystem to drive sustainable economic growth on the road to recovery post COVID-19.


The MADC HyTalent Programme is a hybrid talent development programme by MIDA in collaboration with three notable public universities – namely Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) to support the overall talent development efforts, especially in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Essentially, this is a strategic partnership between the Government, public universities and technologists from the industry to meet the country’s industrial landscape demands in creating a pool of technologically ready talent coupled with soft skills in critical thinking, problemsolving capabilities as well as the right leadership skills.


To kickstart the development of the programme, an agreement was signed by all four parties on 8 October 2021. The signing ceremony was witnessed by YB. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Senior Minister, Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI). During the signing ceremony, MIDA CEO Dato’ Arham Abdul Rahman highlighted that the MADC HyTalent Programme embodies the Twelfth Malaysian Plan (12MP) roadmap to develop and equip future talent with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) skill sets.

It is vital for graduates to keep pace with the rapid changes in technological advancement and meet industry demands.


Through this partnership, the Government anticipates a more skilled and diverse Malaysian workforce, particularly in the manufacturing sector as the programme is uniquely structured to provide trainees with an intensive leadership and technical training in the field of IoT and IIoT.


Dato’ Arham Abdul Rahman reiterated, “MIDA, under the stewardship of MITI will also continue in our mandate to facilitate high-technology, knowledge-based and capitalintensive investments that generate multiplier effects on Malaysia’s economy, including generating quality jobs. We hope that this will ultimately contribute towards increasing the country’s productivity, efficiency and global competitiveness as an investment destination regardless of the global economic sentiments.”


The six (6) month live-in programme comprises a combination of hands-on Leadership and Technical Training. Along with the support of leading technology providers from within the industry, the MADC HyTalent Programme is expected to train up to 500 trainees within a period of 13 months.


As the principal investment promotion agency of Malaysia, MIDA has always enticed quality investment projects while keeping abreast of the latest trends in technological developments in the manufacturing and services sector. Through the MADC HyTalent Programme, MIDA believes that Malaysian graduates will be equipped to accelerate technology adoption within the manufacturing and services sectors especially in the field of IoT, IIoT, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and Cybersecurity.


The MADC HyTalent Programme is expected to lead towards the creation of a HyTalent structured syllabus within public universities in Malaysia towards developing talents for the industries of tomorrow.
