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The Domestic Investment Strategic Fund (DISF) focuses on accelerating the shift of Malaysian-owned companies in targeted industries into high value-added, high technology, knowledge-intensive and innovation-based industries. The Fund aims to harness and leverage on outsourcing opportunities created by MNCs operating in Malaysia, intensify technology acquisition by domestic companies, and enable them to obtain international standards/certifications in strategic industries.
Malaysian companies with 60% equity, that are in operation, are eligible for this matching grant to upgrade machinery and equipment, increase R&D activities, upskill talent through training initiatives and international certification of their products, among others.
The company may submit applications for DISF via forms listed in the manufacturing or services sector according to the activities/product of the company.
Due to an overwhelming interest in MIDA HIF (High Impact Fund) and DISF (Domestic Investment Strategic Fund), the program has reached its fund capacity and is put temporarily on hold. MIDA is no longer taking new applications at this time and registration is closed effective 17 December 2021.
The consideration for the grant application is subject to the availability of funding and allocation by the Government of Malaysia and current policy in force.