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The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic not only saw a huge impact on the world population in terms of health and social impact, it made a huge dent in the world economy whose repercussions are likely to still have an effect for at least a decade. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2020 was marked by some of the largest reductions in trade and output volumes since World War II.
Certainly, for Greatech Integration (M) Sdn. Bhd. (“Greatech Integration”), the circumstances did not prove to be too great of a setback; not only did the Malaysian-owned leading industrial automation company manage to weather the pandemic by successfully constructing three plants in Batu Kawan during the challenging period, it added RM27.73 million of capital investment in new machines and land to cater for customer’s growing demands and manufacturing needs. There are also additional capital investments on new machinery to increase the company’s in-house fabrication capacity.
Claiming that the year 2020 was quite a significant one for themselves despite the challenge with the pandemic outbreak mitigation, the firm successfully secured a major order for both a production line system within the e-mobility industry, as well as for equipment in the life sciences industry.
An illustrious establishment in Penang
Established in 1997 as a precision tooling specialist of machine parts and components used in the manufacture and assembly of hard disk drives, Greatech Integration is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greatech Technology Bhd. which was one of only seven Malaysian companies to make it to Forbes Asia’s “Best Under A Billion 2022” list as reported on 9 August 2022. The list highlights 200 Asia-Pacific public companies with less than USD1 billion (RM4.63 billion) in sales and consistent top- and bottom-line growth.
Being primarily a manufacturer of automated equipment, the company subsequently expanded the business into manufacturing semi-automated assembly equipment for hard disk drives, which were exported to Thailand at the start of their international thrust.
With products ranging from single automated equipment to production line systems consisting of multiple automated equipment, Greatech Integration’s business activities involve design, development, and production of customisable systems, machinery, and equipment for their clientele’s manufacturing processes.
The company says that it has evolved from being a single automated equipment maker into a leading one-stop industrial solutions provider to serve its global customers.
As a total solution provider, Greatech Integration offers services that include conceptualisation, engineering development, prototyping, system integration, installation, and commissioning, as well as customer training, after-sale service, parts, retrofits, and equipment relocation. Its customers – who mostly operate in the solar, e-mobility, semiconductor, consumer electronics and life science industries – span across the globe and include China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and several European Union nations.
Supporting Malaysia even as it expands overseas
Although it has made a successful foray on to the world stage, Greatech Integration firmly believes in remembering its roots, not only by aspiring to mark a global footprint in the international arena but to also help build Penang into a world-class automation hub. To realise this dream, it will continue to invest in three key strategic pillars: upskilling its designing and engineering capabilities; attracting and retaining key talents; and building an enduring culture that encourages open communication and innovation.
The automation giant seems to be serious at keeping its word; Greatech Integration was one of nine local firms to participate in the the Penang Internship Subsidy Programme (PISP) launched on 18 February 2022, a talent development programme that offers qualified companies a monthly allowance subsidy amounting to RM300 per intern recruited from outside Penang for six (6) months.
This is part of the state’s aim of attracting about 150,000 of knowledge workers from other states over the next five years (or 30,000 knowledge workers annually) due to a shortage of such workers in the state. The programme has since seen 111 internship placements being taken up, which in turn have become part of Penang’s approved manufacturing investments inflows worth RM76.2 billion in 2021, according to MIDA data.
Additionally, the company has gotten directly involved in the lives of the local community; not only did it donate funds to both the Malaysian Red Crescent Society Penang and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Hospital in August, Greatech Integration participated in the Penang STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) 4.0 as a platinum sponsor. The sponsorship – part of a collaboration with Penang STEM 4.0, the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) Penang, Tech Dome Penang, and the Penang Math Platform to host various STEM-themed talks, workshops, and competitions at Han Chiang High School has become part of its mission to groom the younger generation to meet the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) and digital transformation.
The next growth pipeline
Greatech Integration says that as part of its strategy in ensuring sustainable growth, allocation of its resources is well distributed to both growing and emerging markets – where it firmly believes that life sciences can be defined as the next pipeline in contributing to such growth.
To that aim, in May 2018 it formed a unique research and development (R&D) team who have leading-edge expertise in different areas to develop new and complex customised equipment as well as enhance or modify its existing range of products (including designing and producing niche technology semiconductor equipment, life science equipment, and automated production lines for e-mobility). The company emphasises the quality of its automated equipment, which will be accredited with the following ISO quality management systems: ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 13485:2016; and ISO 45001:2018.
As the agency tasked with making Malaysia the world’s preferred investment destination, MIDA is proud to feature Greatech Integration as a local champion that is making waves at the global level. MIDA will work together with Greatech Integration to not only maintain the Malaysian champion’s strong world presence and financial position, but to also support the country’s economic growth and aid local community needs.