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China, the second-largest economy globally and one of Malaysia’s biggest trade partners is expecting its carbon emissions to peak by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Several policies have been put in place to ensure China’s transition to a just, low-carbon and sustainable economy. Many other countries are aligned with the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which creates a rising demand and stricter trade regulations, pushing companies to adopt sustainable practices to stay competitive.
Today, adopting sustainable and ethically conscious practices is not just a necessity for Malaysian SMEs, but also a strategic advantage. Businesses must evolve to stay competitive and meet the global supply chain demands. Businesses that pivot into sustainable and ethically conscious practices create a transparent and just ecosystem for the mutual prosperity of Malaysians. Maybank understands this evolving landscape and is ready to help businesses navigate the transition towards a sustainable future.
Introducing Maybank myimpact SME Hub, a platform for Malaysian SMEs offering both banking and beyond banking facilities on value-based solutions. This platform is meant to navigate SMEs to succeed in the global supply chain through all aspects of ESG – governance, social impact, and sustainability.
Maybank myimpact SME Hub aims to alleviate concerns by SMEs – perceived high capital costs, restrictive policies and paperwork, and complicated procedures and reporting – in transitioning towards sustainability with specific and extensive solutions including:
With Maybank myimpact SME Hub, companies can leverage on the available online tools through the platform – ESG readiness, ESG assessments and Carbon emissions calculator based on estimated CO2 consumption, and Readiness Assessment for the company to embark on the sustainability path – completely free of charge.
Maybank partners with industry leaders to offer practical tools, expert consultancy and advisory services, seamless certification, accreditation facilitation, and tailored financing solutions to meet all SME business needs. Maybank’s myimpact SME Hub unlocks the power of our extensive network for SMEs by providing one-stop access, connecting companies with partners and suppliers to facilitate their sustainability adoption efficiently.
Investing in sustainability can reduce and lower your operational costs. For example, installing solar panels or investing in LED lighting may reduce the company’s electricity bills by up to 90% with lesser-required maintenance, further reducing operational costs. Optimising operational processes through waste reduction and resource conservation also leads to increased productivity – key factors for business sustainability. By connecting with our partners – including MGTC, Sedania Innovators, GSparx, Solaroo – SMEs will be able to begin retrofitting and installing solar solutions at their business premises, including receiving the necessary incentives and tax subsidies from the government.
In our mission to Humanising Financial Services, we provide inclusive financing offerings to empower businesses with tailored financing solutions. Choose from a variety of loans and financing programmes, including government-guaranteed options to fit specific requirements, whether it’s working capital, trade financing or specialised sustainability financing to support ESG-related targets including clean energy, women entrepreneurs or halal business facilitations.
Embrace sustainability and secure your company’s future.
Maybank myimpact SME Hub is your compelling partner towards your sustainability goals, we are with you all the way, powering your journey towards global supply chain success. Visit www.maybank2u.com.my/smehub to get started.