Sustainability Division - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Sustainability Division

Sustainability Division

Our Functions

  • Responsible for formulating, implementing and updating sustainability policies that align with national and international standards, considering the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles;
  • Providing facilitation and advisory services to businesses and investors on incorporating sustainable practices into their operations and investment strategies;
  • Organising dialogues with industry associations towards achieving Malaysia’s target to become a net zero greenhouse gases (GHG) emission nation by 2050 through policy enhancements and recommendations;
  • Conducting conferences, briefing, seminars, roadshows and undertaking specific project missions to attract foreign and domestic investments as well as to encourage expansion/ diversification by existing companies that are aligned with the SDGs and the ESG principles; and
  • Coordinating stakeholder engagement and being the focal point between MIDA and other Ministries/ Agencies/ Investors/ Industry Associations on matters related to Sustainability.


Need any guidance?
Contact us.

Tel : +603-2267 3431
Fax : +603-2272 1779


Let us know how we can help.



Sustainability Division
Level 23, MIDA Sentral
No.5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Information

No. Name Position Direct Line Division Email (
1.Syed Kamal Muzaffa Syed Hassan SagaffDirector+603-2267 3636Sustainability Divisionsyedkamal
2.Sarojini GanesanDeputy Director+603-2267 3543Sustainability Divisionsarojini
3.Pravinganesha RajooDeputy Director+603-2267 3680Sustainability Divisionpravinganesha
4.Zurisma ZulkarnainSr. Assistant Director+603-2267 3694Sustainability Divisionzurisma
5.Nor Amira NorAhmadAssistant Director+603-2267 3623Sustainability Divisionamira
6.Mohamad Arif Hakimi GhazaleAssistant Director+603-2267 3463Sustainability Divisionarifhakimi
7.Mohammad Khaliff Mohamed YuzriManagement Trainee+603-2267 3692Sustainability Divisionkhaliff
8.Nurul Aisha Abd KhalidPersonal Assistant+603-2267 3431Sustainability Divisionnaisha