Oil and Gas, Maritime and Logistics Services Division
Our Functions
- Evaluate applications for manufacturing licences, tax incentives and matching grants related to oil & gas services and equipment manufacturing, and shipbuilding and ship repair (SBSR) sectors
- Evaluate applications related to integrated logistics services providers applying for tax incentives and status to obtain operating licenses related to logistics
- Monitor the development of approved projects and evaluate post-approval applications
- Conduct conferences, seminars, workshops and specific project missions to attract foreign and domestic investment as well as to encourage expansion/diversification by existing companies
- Organise dialogues with industry associations to identify the roadblocks and direction of the industry towards the development of a comprehensive industry ecosystem in Malaysia
- Provide dedicated assistance to investors
- Products/Services Covered:
- Oil and gas fields services
- Oil and gas equipment manufacturing
- Integrated logistics services providers
- Shipbuilding and ship repair