50,000 applications from companies to operate during MCO - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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50,000 applications from companies to operate during MCO

50,000 applications from companies to operate during MCO

19 Apr 2020

The International Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) has bolstered its preparedness to ensure that the economy can be reopened with close collaboration between itself, the Health Ministry (MoH) and the National Security Council.

International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali said its preparedness in the fight against Covid-19 had also been shored up with the help of other ministries and agencies.

They included the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (Mosti), Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) and Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida).

“The cooperation between the MoH and Miti is important and so far it has been going well. Miti will refer to the MoH on every new decision we have to make,” Azmin told reporters after hosting a courtesy call by Media Prima Bhd group chairman Datuk Syed Hussian Aljunid and group managing director Datuk Iskandar Mizal Mahmood at his office here today.

Also present was The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd interim chief executive officer Mustapha Kamil Mohd Janor, who is also Media Prima executive director of news and editorial operations.

Azmin said the ministry had activated its war room with less than 60 staff from various ministries and agencies to process applications to resume operations. This group of less than 60 staff work on a 24-hour basis.

He said because of the overwhelming number of applications, Mosti, KPDNHEP, Mida and other agencies were mobilised to assist Miti to verify applications and handle enquiries.

“As of today, 50,000 applications have been received from companies to operate during the third phase of the movement control order (MCO). There are more than 3,000 applications related to Mosti alone.

“We are working very hard to make sure all the applications are processed smoothly within the timeframe,” he said.

Azmin said in order to reduce the impact on the Malaysian economy, more industries should be allowed to operate during the MCO.

He, however, said the companies must be responsible for maintaining and undertaking the necessary health protective measures at all times to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

He said as Malaysians return to the workforce to restart the economy, the
incentives to resume operations were also subject to adhering to the guidelines set by the MoH and other agencies.

“The MoH has submitted comprehensive and strict SOPs (standard operating procedures) for all employers and companies to operate during this MCO.

“Failure of the companies to comply with the SOPs will result in immediate revocation of their approval to operate as well as legal action,” Azmin said.

Meanwhile, Mosti scientific officer Dr Malarvili Ramalingam said it was working closely with Miti to review all applications under its supervision.

“To date, Mosti has received about 341,000 applications,” she said, adding that serving as a frontliner for the economy had kept her motivated to continue serving the nation despite her own difficulties.

“We are working parents, we are taking the risk to come out and sacrifice our time with family to be here everyday to do our work. We are so grateful to be given the opportunity to serve the nation,” she said.

Source: NST
