IBM says more companies in Malaysia using AI - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority


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IBM says more companies in Malaysia using AI

IBM says more companies in Malaysia using AI

22 Jun 2023

More companies in Malaysia are exploring and integrating generative artificial intelligence (AI) into their business operations, said IBM Malaysia.

According to a study by IBM’s Institute for Business Value, over 40 per cent of ICT professionals reported that their organisations are actively exploring the use of generative AI to drive business growth.

Surprisingly, nearly a third of the surveyed companies have already integrated generative AI, setting new benchmarks in innovation and success, said IBM Malaysia managing director and technology leader Catherine Lian. She said in a statement today that the government should be commended for positioning Malaysia as a regional leader in the field of AI.

“The government’s focus on AI as a key driver for economic recovery, innovation, and bridging the digital divide is commendable,” Lian said.

“The Malaysia Artificial Intelligence Roadmap 2021-2025 (AI-Rmap) and the Malaysian Digital Economy Blueprint (MDEB) exemplify the government’s vision for integrating AI across sectors, fostering productivity enhancement, attracting international investments, and narrowing the gap with advanced nations,” she added.

Lian said IBM believes that AI holds great promise for Malaysia’s economic growth with the National Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR) policy’s target of a 30 per cent output increase by 2030 underscoring AI’s crucial role.

On IBM’s part, she said it remains committed to supporting Malaysia’s AI initiatives and contributing to the development of a vibrant and successful AI ecosystem in the country while building a prosperous and inclusive digital future for Malaysia.

The heart of successful AI adoption is data, the company said. “But it isn’t enough to simply collect and store large volumes of data, businesses need to seamlessly and securely access, govern and use this data to drive digital transformation.”

While some organisations have tried to manage this complexity by migrating their data to a central repository, Lian said “the reality is that the copy-and-paste model of data management is an inefficient and costly process.”

To address these challenges, IBM has introduced a new approach called a “data fabric” strategy, which is a unified approach to data management that seamlessly integrates diverse data sources and formats.

It breaks down data silos, enabling organisations to access and analyse data from various locations in real time.

Source: Bernama
