Malaysia loosens entry ban for visit pass holders - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority


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Malaysia loosens entry ban for visit pass holders

Malaysia loosens entry ban for visit pass holders

10 Sep 2020

Malaysia has loosened its travel entry ban by allowing visit pass holders from the affected 23 countries to enter.

Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said expatriates and professionals with visit passes from these countries are now allowed to enter Malaysia with the Immigration Department’s approval.

“[They] will have to obtain approval from the Immigration Department before they can enter the country. Their application must have a support letter from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority or related agencies,” he said at a press conference today.

Last week, Ismail announced that citizens of countries with over 150,000 Covid-19 cases would be banned from entering Malaysia starting Sept 7.

However, he said exemption would be given to emergency cases and matters involving bilateral relations with Malaysia with the permission of the Immigration Department.

The 23 countries are the US, Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Columbia, South Africa, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Iran, Bangladesh, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Iraq, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Ismail today said the government has also decided to allow permanent residents and foreign spouses of Malaysian citizens to enter the country on condition that it is a one-way trip.

“[Besides them], student pass holders from the affected countries will also be allowed into Malaysia. All categories mentioned must get approval from Immigration [Department] beforehand,” he said, adding that the department would not be accepting new applications for student passes.

Source: The Edge Markets 
