MRANTI Park Master Plan Will Spur Country’s IR4.0 Capability, Says PM - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority


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MRANTI Park Master Plan Will Spur Country’s IR4.0 Capability, Says PM

MRANTI Park Master Plan Will Spur Country’s IR4.0 Capability, Says PM

07 Oct 2022

The new MRANTI Park Master Plan will spur Malaysia’s capability to face the fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said the master plan also focuses on the latest technology, ranging from Internet of Things (IOT), Internet Protocol (IP) services and laboratories to contract manufacturing facilities with advanced technology.

“MRANTI Park will be equipped with modern infrastructure, including high-speed broadband and 5G technology, as well as incentives and funding opportunities. It is also designed to attract young professionals and create a stable pathway for highly skilled talents.

“It is expected to create over 8,000 new job opportunities, and this is good news for the entire Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family),” he said when launching the MRANTI Park Master Plan at MRANTI Park in Bukit Jalil here on Thursday (Oct 6).

The prime minister said MRANTI Park, located about 15 kilometres from Bandar Malaysia, plays a role in coordinating research and development (R&D) output to the market through an integrated ecosystem, which centralises all technological and innovation activities locally.

Ismail Sabri said MRANTI Park saw cooperation with five economic corridors, namely the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), East Coast Economic Region (ECER), Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), Iskandar Malaysia and the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE), in promoting and adopting R&D technology output, as well as commercialisation.

He said the ​​686-acre (277.61-hectare) area also attracted the interest of many technology companies, including Intervenn Biosciences, Dedikasi Aba Biosciences, BoomGrow, Spygene Laboratories, Vivantis Technologies and Reszon.

Five technology clusters — drone technology, agriculture, health, bioscience and IR4.0 enablers — are currently being developed in MRANTI Park, with an estimated gross development value of RM20 billion.

The prime minister said these technology clusters are expected to bring a return of RM2.8 billion through land leases by MRANTI to investors.

“This effort will be driven by MIMOS Bhd, which plays a vital role in helping the country generate high added value from technology development and commercialisation activities, particularly in the electrical & electronics (E&E) sector.

“The E&E sector is the largest contributor to the country’s exports, with a value of RM455.7 billion last year, and has great potential to continue generating economic growth,” he said.

At the ceremony, Ismail Sabri also announced the rebranding of MIMOS Bhd to MIMOS Global, to symbolise a new, broader image, in line with the competitiveness of borderless technology.

The prime minister also expressed hope that MIMOS Global will continue to strive to assist the government in propelling growth and increasing dominance in its specialised sectors, while the government provides financial support and appropriate facilities.

Source: The Edge Markets
