Sabah should focus on solar energy to address power issue - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Sabah should focus on solar energy to address power issue

Sabah should focus on solar energy to address power issue

03 Jun 2023

Sabah has been asked to consider developing more solar power plants to address the shortage of power issue in the state.

German Ambassador to Malaysia Dr Peter Blomeyer made the suggestion during a courtesy call on Sabah Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan at his office in Wisma Pertanian here.

Blomeyer said he learned that 80 per cent of Sabah’s energy supply relies on gas, while 100 MW is generated from solar power.

“Since the construction of hydropower involved land issues, Sabah should focus more on solar power plants,” he said after his meeting with Kitingan, who is also state Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Industry Minister.

During the meeting with Kitingan, Blomeyer also relayed the interest of thousands of companies in Germany that wanted to place their investment in East Malaysia.

Blomeyer also shared with Kitingan Germany’s goal to use green renewable energy by 2035.

He also mentioned his meeting with Sabah Forestry Department deputy chief conservator Dr Robert Ong, where they discussed the need for a long-term study programme on climate change and the environment in Sabah.

Blomeyer was informed about SOMACORE (Solutions for Marine and Coastal Resilience), which is being implemented in Tun Mustapha Marine Park in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

This initiative aims to protect the park from fish bombing activities, said Kitingan.

Source: NST
