Sabah targets 80pct renewable energy capacity by 2050 - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Sabah targets 80pct renewable energy capacity by 2050

Sabah targets 80pct renewable energy capacity by 2050

30 Nov 2023

Sabah aims to have 80 per cent of renewable energy (RE) capacity by 2050, said state Assistant Minister to Chief Minister Datuk Nizam Titingan.

He added the current RE capacity is at 9 per cent and hopes it will exceed 50 per cent by 2035.

The power generation development plan is in line with the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Master Plan 2040 (SE-RAMP 2040), which was launched on Sept 19, 2023.

One of the 16 strategic plans identified in SE-RAMP 2040 is the addition of the composition of Renewable Energy in the electricity generation mix in Sabah.

“These plans will be refined and further monitored by the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) after the takeover of electricity supply regulatory control is implemented early next year,” he said during the question-and-answer session at the state assembly sitting.

He was replying to Datuk Suhaimi Nasir (Umno-appointed assemblyman) on the latest status of the commission in formulating policy for electricity supply in Sabah.

Nizam added that ECoS is also conducting the Hydro Development Plan to increase the potential of hydroelectricity in Sabah, which is part of the long-term solution phase after 2030.

“Apart from that, exploration into new technologies and energy sources will also be implemented, such as geothermal, wind, and hydrogen.

“The planning for the interconnection of transmission lines between Sabah and North Kalimantan will also be explored based on a feasibility study to be conducted this year.”

Meanwhile, in answering additional questions from Datuk Annuar Ayub (Star-Liawan) on the status of leasing of the 224-megawatt Powership project as a fast-track initiative to address critical reserve margin issues, Nizam said the negotiation process between Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd and Karpowership Global failed to reach an agreement between both parties, thus it was terminated.

“The alternative plan to replace this project is to continue the interim plan, namely, leasing a 100-megawatt diesel genset, which will operate until 2025 and the installation of a 100-megawatt Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) will commence its operation in 2024.”

Source: NST
