Sabah's door is open to all investors, says Hajiji - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Sabah’s door is open to all investors, says Hajiji

Sabah’s door is open to all investors, says Hajiji

11 Oct 2023

Sabah welcomes foreign investors to explore collaboration opportunities in the state.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said Sabah is rich with natural resources and other industries that can be tapped into with government-linked companies or the private sector in the state.

“We hope to get more foreign investments and attract interests from investors to do business here,” he said during a courtesy call from Wayne Robson, the High Commissioner for Canada in Malaysia on Wednesday (Oct 11).

During this meeting at Hajiji’s office at the Menara Kinabalu, both parties expressed interest in tourism, education, and investment opportunities.

They also spoke of the visit by the Royal Canadian Navy warship HMCS Ottawa to Kota Kinabalu soon.

Source: The Star
