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Services, manufacturing made up 82.6 per cent of economy in 2023

The services and manufacturing sectors remained as the primary drivers of Malaysia’s economy for 2023, contributing a cumulative 82.6 per cent to the total gross domestic product (GDP).

According to the Statistics Department of Malaysia (DOSM), the services sector which constitutes 59.2 per cent of the national GDP, grew by 5.1 per cent from the previous year.

DOSM said the performance was supported by strong growth in key subsectors such as wholesale & retail trade (5.9 per cent), transport & storage, (13.8 per cent) and food & beverage and accommodation (7.7 per cent).

“Five states experienced growth rates surpassing the national level, specifically Selangor (6.1 per cent), Pahang (6.0 per cent), Pulau Pinang (6.0 per cent), Sarawak (5.4 per cent), and Johor (5.4 per cent),” it said.

The states contributing the most to the services sector were Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Pulau Pinang, Sarawak and Perak.

Meanwhile, DOSM said the manufacturing sector contributed 23.4 per cent to the national GDP,showing marginal growth of 0.7 per cent as compared to 8.1 per cent in 2022.

Selangor led the sector’s growth with 2.0 per cent followed by Johor, which grew by 2.8 per cent.

Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Johor and Sarawak posted double-digit contributions to the sector in 2023.

While Negri Sembilan and Melaka were also significant contributors at 5.4 per cent and 4.6 of the sector’s GDP contribution.

As for the agriculture sector, DOSM said the sector constituted the third largest share of the national GDP in 2023, experienced a slight increase of 0.7 per cent.

It said Pahang emerged as the leading performer in this sector, achieving a growth of 2.5 per cent followed by Sarawak with a growth rate of 2.0 per cent, and Melaka with an increase of 6.5 per cent.

Lastly, for the mining & quarrying sector, DOSM said this sector accounted for 6.2 per cent to the national GDP in 2023, lowest among all sectors.

DOSM said the sector showed a modest growth of 0.5 per cent.

“The weak global demand for crude oil, coupled with a series of geopolitical conflicts that caused a drop in world crude oil prices, has negatively impacted the two states that dominate the sector,” it said.

“The two states are Sabah and Sarawak, resulting in negative growth of -5.2 per cent and -1.0 per cent, respectively,” it added.

Source: NST

Services, manufacturing made up 82.6 per cent of economy in 2023

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Johor’s infrastructure and ample power capacity have seen the state attract more than 50 data centres in the past two years, said Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

He pointed out that the Sedenak Tech Park (STeP), in Kulai, alone boasts a capacity of over one gigawatt (GW) and provides the necessary power infrastructure to support data centre operations.

“Singapore took over 15 years to establish itself as a data hub with more than 70 data centres, totalling a capacity of 1.4 GW. In contrast, Johor has attracted more than 50 data centres in just the past two years,” he said.

Onn Hafiz said the rapid growth in the data centre industry shows Johor’s capability to become a new data centre hub in Asia.

“Johor’s rapid growth in the data centre industry suggests that it is well on its way to becoming a new data centre hub in Asia,” he said in his speech at the launch of Princeton Digital Group JH1 Campus here today.

Also present was Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz and Johor State Investment, Trade, Consumer Affairs and Human Resources Committee chairman Lee Ting Han.

Onn Hafiz said Johor is one of the fastest-growing states that is becoming well known for its strong push towards a digital economy with robust government policies, strong connectivity and infrastructure.

“(Therefore) moving forward for data centres, the state government will also be more selective, emphasising the use of green technology and renewable energy,” he said

Meanwhile, Onn Hafiz said the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) will offer special economic regulations and incentives, creating an appealing environment for investors.

“While economic and digital growth is vital, community engagement ensures that progress benefits everyone and promotes inclusive development,” he added.

Source: Bernama

Johor attracted 50 data centres in the past two years — Onn Hafiz

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Johor has emerged as the largest data centre (DC) hub in Malaysia. 

But recent comments by the Johor Bahru city council on the availability of water called into question the viability of the state for data center build out. 

Investors revently raised similar questions. 

In contrast, JP Morgan’s analysis shows that Malaysia has ample planned water treatment plant additions to accommodate expected DC builds. 

The US investment bank does not see the availability of water as a near-term barrier for continued DC deployment given Malaysia’s natural endowment and low water stress status. 

However, the supply of treated water could prove an issue should capacity additions not materialise, or water supply interruptions exacerbate variability in the system, which could introduce an element of competition with the high domestic water user base in Johor.

JP Morgan noted that from 2018-2022, Johor maintained an average water reserve margin of about 10 per cent, highlighting existing excess capacity. 

Over the next five years, it calculates about 61,000 million litres of annual water treatment capacity (up 33 per cent versus 2023) will be added.

Assuming about 1,500MW of DC capacity additions at a WUE (water usage effectiveness) of 2.0, JP Morgan projects 27,700 million litres of annual associated incremental water demand by 2028 (4.0 per cent of current water consumption in Johor). 

Taking account of general water consumption growth of 3.0 per cent per annum, it expects total annual water demand of 851,000 million litres by 2028, compared to about 1,000,000 million litres of forecast annual water treatment capacity. 

“On our calculations, water is not a limiting factor for data centres in Johor, at the state level, over the next five years. 

“Our analysis shows similar result for Selangor, the other data centre hub in Malaysia.”

Johor could accommodate three times the current planned DC additions out to 2028, it added. 

“On our numbers, the water reserve margin actually expands to 19 per cent by 2028, higher than Malaysia’s 15 per cent target, even taking account of data centre growth, suggesting additional headroom for data centre builds.”

JP Morgan said should water reserve margins remain stable at 10 per cent, Johor could accommodate up to 5,500MW of DC capacity by 2028.

Overall, it said Malaysia is well positioned as a DC host in Asia given low water stress and ample power. 

“Malaysia is one of the least water stressed countries In Asia, with low projected baseline water stress under every climate scenario.”

Source: NST

Water supply in Johor ample for next five years of data centre builds: JP Morgan

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Johor has attracted more than 50 data centres within the last two years, putting it on track to become a new data centre hub in South-East Asia, says Mentri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

He said this was a very exciting time for Johor thanks to its strong push towards a digital economy, enabled by robust government policies, as well as good connectivity and infrastructure.

“Our vision is to develop Johor… and make it a global destination for the world’s largest technology companies.

“At Invest Johor, we are considering establishing the Johor Data Centre to streamline efforts in talent development, green technology and renewable energy,” he said at the launch of Princeton Digital Group’s (PDG) phase one JH1 campus at Sedenak Tech Park (StEP) here on Wednesday (July 3).

Onn Hafiz, who is also the Machap assemblyman, said Singapore took over 15 years to establish itself as a data hub with more than 70 data centres, totalling a capacity of 1.4 gigawatts of power capacity.

Onn Hafiz said in comparison, Johor has attracted more than 50 data centres in just the past two years, with STeP 1 alone boasting a power capacity of over 1 gigawatt.

“Moving forward for data centres, the state government will be more selective, emphasising the use of green technology and renewable energy.

“Johor’s rapid growth in the industry suggests that it is well on its way to becoming a new data centre hub in Asean,” he added.

Source: The Star

Johor poised to become regional data centre hub, says MB

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China is interested in collaborating with Malaysia in the halal industry, covering certification, services, and halal products, said Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Mohamad Alamin.

He said the matter was conveyed by Premier Li Qiang during a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi during the latter’s official visit to China recently.

“During a courtesy call on Premier Li Qiang, the Deputy Prime Minister took the opportunity to inform him about the global halal industry, which was worth US$3.1 trillion in 2018 and is growing by 4.1 per cent every year and is expected to reach US$5 trillion in 2030,“ he said.

Mohamad told the Dewan Rakyat this today in response to a question from Tan Kok Wai (PH-Cheras) about the outcome of Ahmad Zahid’s to China in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China bilateral relations.

Mohamad said that during the visit, Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Minister of Rural and Regional Development, took the opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities between Malaysia and China, in Technical and Vocational Education Training, connectivity and people-to-people relations.

“The two leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues involving mutual interests including the fields of high technology, renewable energy, digital economy and semi-conductors,” he added.

According to him, overall, the official visit succeeded in achieving the goal of strengthening bilateral relations and maintaining the existing understanding between Malaysia and China.

Meanwhile, in response to a supplementary question from Zakri Hassan (PN-Kangsar) on the South China Sea issue, Mohamad said Malaysia is firm in defending the country’s sovereignty and will use all available platforms to negotiate with China, which is reported to have deployed its warships to the area.

“We will not compromise on sovereignty and will use existing mechanisms to continue negotiations including on the Code of Conduct (COC) dealing with the South China Sea issue,“ he said.

Source: Bernama

China keen to collaborate with Malaysia in halal industry

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The state contributing the most to Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP) was also the fastest growing in 2023.

Selangor contributed the lion share of GDP at 25.9 per cent, or RM406.1 billion, for 2023, according to the Department of Statistics of Malaysia (DOSM).

It also surpassed national growth, with a 5.4 per cent increase in 2023.

Malaysia’s GDP moderated to 3.6 per cent in 2023.

The services sector, led the economy, grew by 6.1 per cent (2022: 13.6 [per cent), supported by wholesale & retail trade, accommodation, food & beverage, as well as utilities, transport, and information comunication technology (ICT). The manufacturing sector moderated to 2.0 per cent growth (2022: 9.0 per cent), supported by vegetable and animal oils & fats, food processing, beverages and tobacco products, as well as non-metallic products, basic metals, and fabricated metal products.

Meanwhile, the construction sector strengthened to 10.2 per cent (2022: 4.2 per cent) driven by all subsectors especially civil engineering.

Conversely, the agriculture sector contracted by 7.3 per cent (2022: -0.5 per cent) affected by the decline of the fisheries, crop and forestry and logging subsectors.

Source: NST

Selangor grew and contributed the most to GDP in 2023

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Johor’s infrastructure and ample power capacity have seen the state attract more than 50 data centres in the past two years, said Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

He pointed out that Kulai’s Sedenak Tech Park (STeP) alone boasts a capacity of over one gigawatt (GW) and provides the necessary power infrastructure to support data centre operations.

“Singapore took over 15 years to establish itself as a data hub with more than 70 data centres, totalling a capacity of 1.4 GW. In contrast, Johor has attracted more than 50 data centres in just the past two years,” he said.

Onn Hafiz said the rapid growth in the data centre industry shows Johor’s capability to become a new data centre hub in Asia.

“Johor’s rapid growth in the data centre industry suggests that it is well on its way to becoming a new data centre hub in Asia,” he said in his speech at the launch of Princeton Digital Group JH1 Campus here on Wednesday.

Also present was Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz and Johor State Investment, Trade, Consumer Affairs and Human Resources committee chairman Lee Ting Han.

Onn Hafiz said Johor is one of the fastest-growing states that is becoming known for its push towards a digital economy with robust government policies, strong connectivity and infrastructure.

“(Therefore) moving forward for data centres, the state government will also be more selective, emphasising the use of green technology and renewable energy,” he said.

Meanwhile, Onn Hafiz said the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) will offer special economic regulations and incentives, creating an appealing environment for investors.

“While economic and digital growth is vital, community engagement ensures that progress benefits everyone and promotes inclusive development,” he added.

Source: Bernama

Johor MB touts state as Asia’s new data centre hub

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Several companies have shown interest in taking part in the development of data centres through the Kerian Integrated Green Industrial Park (KIGIP) project.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the companies had expressed interest when the project was announced by the Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) previously.

“Based on Miti’s plans when announcing the project, there were several companies that expressed interest as several (other) companies involved in data centres are limited now.

“We also do not encourage a new data centre industry unless they specialise in Artificial Intelligence as data centres require high energy and water consumption.

“(Hence,) this is why several companies have been identified (for the development of data centres),” he said during prime minister’s question time in the Dewan Rakyat, today (July 2).

Anwar said this in response to Howard Lee Chuan How (PH-Ipoh Timor) who enquired about the government’s strategy to attract major investments in the development of KIGIP.

He also said the government’s only challenge now was to complete proper infrastructure in the green energy and water industry, as well as to ensure a sufficient pool of talent to meet the current needs of the industry to lure more investors.

Anwar had previously announced the KIGIP project which will boost the growth of the semiconductor industry and attract more global players to set up their business in the country.

First introduced during the 2024 Budget, KIGIP aims to draw green Electrical and Electronics (E&E) investments, while addressing water limitations in Penang.

Through the project, Anwar said the government had also agreed in principle to approve an allocation for a raw water distribution project from Sungai Perak to the Bukit Merah Dam to provide treated water supply to northern Perak and Penang, estimated to cost RM4 billion.

Meanwhile, it was announced that Sime Darby Plantation Bhd (SD Plantation) will work with major shareholder Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) to develop 404 hectares of KIGIP land in Perak.

The plan involves the establishment of 267 hectares of solar farms as the principal green energy source for the area, designed to attract semiconductors and E&E investments, two of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy.

Separately, the group is also exploring opportunities with partners to develop data centres, which typically consume large amounts of energy.

Source: NST

Firms keen on data centres in KIGIP, Dewan Rakyat told

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The Kerian Integrated Green Industrial Park (KIGIP) will be one of the northern region hubs to nurture talent and innovation due to its location, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The park is near Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions and the Giat MARA Training Centre.

“This factor will ensure a supply of graduates to fill skilled and high level positions in KIGIP while nurturing and enabling a sustainable local workforce to thrive,“ he said during the Minister’s Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat today.

According to Anwar, the planning and development of the KIGIP was implemented as a whole-of-government approach, via the cooperation and synergy between the federal government, the Perak state government, SD Guthrie Bhd and Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB).

“Currently, the preparation of the KIGIP master plan by SD Guthrie is being monitored by the KIGIP development special task force jointly chaired by the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Perak state government.

“The status of the master plan is reported regularly to the National Investment Council to ensure its planning and development align with government aspirations and will achieve its set objectives,“ he said.

The Prime Minister said KIGIP is an industrial park that will run on solar power as its primary source of green energy, with phase one to involve 404.69 hectares (999.58 acres).

With its strategic position close to Penang’s electrical and electronics (E&E) hub and Kulim Hi-Tech Park in Kedah, Anwar said KIGIP will benefit from a demand spillover. “KIGIP will contribute significantly to the country’s economy when fully operational and will attract domestic and foreign investments,“ he added.

He said multinational companies (MNCs) operating in KIGIP will also be able to build supply chains to support the development of domestic industries. “The development of KIGIP will also spawn attractive and quality career prospects for local talents in the vicinity besides generating economic activities and attracting quality investments,“ he added.

Source: Bernama

Kerian Green Industrial Park will nurture talent and innovation – Anwar

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The decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) recorded last year was not a concern as the country’s overall investment had recorded an increase, the Dewan Rakyat heard today.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the increase in the country’s overall investment was supported by a strong inflows of domestic investment.

“As we know, the FDI did see a decline in 2023. However, the overall investment was the highest due to a sudden increase in the (country’s) domestic investment.

“Therefore, we (the government) are not overly concerned, especially considering that foreign investment in the first quarter (Q1) of 2024 has increased.

“I do not have the specific figures with me at the moment but this has been announced by the Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry (Miti) where the figures for 2024 are significantly higher than what was projected previously, with details on companies and investment amounts,” he said during prime minister’s question time in Dewan Rakyat, today.

Anwar said this in response to a supplementary question by Datuk Idris Ahmad (PN-Bagan Serai) who enquired about the government’s plan to asses the low FDI and whether it will affect the investment prospects of the Kerian Integrated Green Industrial Park (KIGIP) project.

Malaysia saw a 13 per cent jump in approved investments to RM83.7 billion in the first quarter this year, compared with the same period the previous year.

Of the total approved investments, RM47.5 billion, or 56.8 per cent, fall under the jurisdiction of Miti and the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida), covering 500 projects with 18,517 new job opportunities.

The approved investment comprises manufacturing (51.3 per cent or RM43 billion), services (47 per cent or RM39.3 billion), and primary (1.7 per cent or RM1.4 billion) sectors.

Foreign investments contributed 56.2 per cent or RM47 billion, while domestic investments contributed 43.8 per cent or RM36.7 billion.

At the same time, Malaysia recorded strong growth in gross domestic product (GDP) with 4.2 per cent in Q1 this year due to sustained domestic demand and better export performance, where the country outperformed countries such as Singapore (2.7 per cent), Thailand (1.5 per cent) and the United Kingdom (0.2 per cent).

Source: NST

Low FDI last year not a high concern due to increased domestic investment, says Anwar

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After three straight years of growth, domestic consumption for steel is expected to grow further this year, to between 8.3 million tonnes and nine million tonnes this year, according to a forecast by the Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (Misif).

Misif president Datuk Lim Hong Thye said demand for the commodity will mainly be driven by investment in data centres and the expansion of the semiconductor industry.

“We still see positive growth this year for steel consumption, to grow to 8.3 million tonnes this year, mainly driven by construction of data centres. If infrastructure projects such as the Penang light rail transit kicks in, the demand for steel will go up to near nine million tonnes,” Lim told a press conference after launching the federation’s report on the status and outlook for the local iron and steel industry on Monday.

Tech companies like Google had previously announced plans to invest US$2 billion (RM9.4 billion) to house the first Google data centre and Google Cloud region in Malaysia.

Malaysia’ steel consumption, as measured by apparent steel consumption (ASC), fell 26% to 6.8 million tonnes in 2020, from 9.2 million tonnes in 2019, before climbing to seven million tonnes in 2021, 7.5 million tonnes in 2022 and 7.9 million tonnes in 2023 amid steady recovery in the construction sector.

Domestic crude steel production in 2023 exceeded pre-pandemic levels, hitting 7.5 million tonnes, up 4.5% from 7.2 tonnes in 2022, and 8.7% more than the 6.9 million tonnes produced in 2019.

Imports of iron and steel rose 17.3% to 7.3 million tonnes in 2023, from 6.2 million tonnes in 2022. China is Malaysia’s largest source of imports, accounting for 27.9% of total imports, followed by Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea.

Exports of iron and steel grew 14.5% to 8.2 million tonnes in 2023, from 7.2 million tonnes in 2022.

Nevertheless, Lim said the local steel industry is still challenging as it is grappling with overcapacity issues, which led to low capacity utilisation at an average of 39.1% last year — significantly lower than the world’s average of 75.7%.

The overcapacity problem is not only in Malaysia but throughout Asean, due to China exporting its excess production capacity, Lim said.

“We are requesting the government to assist us to fight against these unfair imports. This is not only particular to China as their steel mills are also in other countries. We have had a discussion with the government and are still waiting for a directive from them,” Lim said.

Meanwhile, Lim said Misif is also hoping that the government can provide incentives to encourage steel mills to move up the value chain.

It can do so by attracting foreign steel players to invest in steel products that are not being produced locally, which will also allow knowledge transfer that will benefit the local steel industry.

Steel products produced locally are now mainly used for the construction sector.

Source: The Edge Malaysia

Data centre boom, chip industry expansion expected to boost local steel demand

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ViTrox Corp Bhd (KL:VITROX) will begin construction of the first block of its planned five-block ViTrox Institute of Technology (VIT) on July 8 after it had appointed South Island Building Sdn Bhd (SIB) as the contractor for the project in a deal worth RM45.99 million.

The proposed construction is expected to be completed within 18 months, which is by Jan 7, 2026.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia on Monday, Vitrox said its wholly-owned subsidiary ViTrox Technologies Sdn Bhd had awarded the contract to SIB for the earthwork, piling and main building works for the construction of a five-storey training and industrial research center.

The facility will have a floor area of 166,300 square feet and will be located beside the current ViTrox Campus 3.0 in Batu Kawan Industrial Park (BKIP), Penang, and is on part of the 21-acre piece of land acquired by the company in June 2021.

“It is aligned with ViTrox’s 10-year expansion master plan (2021-2030), centered around the idea of building a local high-technology ecosystem at the BKIP through collaborative efforts between the private sector, the government and institutions of higher learning,” ViTrox said.

ViTrox said the entire ecosystem will include a high-tech automation, robotics, and AI innovation park, ViTrox’s Innovation Park, comprising large local companies with research and development facilities, centers of excellence, advanced manufacturing facilities, tech startups, and an institute of technologies.

“In addition to attending lectures, a pool of 3,000 to 4,000 talents will work alongside engineers to solve real-world engineering problems and address the talent shortage, particularly in engineering and computer sciences, where there is a clear mismatch between the training and skills acquired by graduates and industry requirements,” it said.

Furthermore, ViTrox said the VIT represents a significant step towards addressing the talent shortage in the STEM fields, particularly for the semiconductor industry. “This expansion will increase ViTrox’s current capacity from an annual intake of 200 students to 450 students, significantly enhancing the ability to grow the local talent pool,” it added.

As it stands, ViTrox has already established its own college in 2020, dubbed ViTrox College, which has obtained the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) accreditation to offer diploma courses in electronics, mechatronics and machine vision engineering.

ViTrox College offers work-based learning diploma and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses.

At Monday’s market close, Vitrox shares were down three sen or 0.73% at RM4.09, giving the group a market capitalisation of RM7.74 billion. Year to date, the counter has risen 14.25%.

Source: The Edge Malaysia

ViTrox to begin construction of training and industrial research center after RM46 mil contract award to SIB

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The Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (Miti) is in the final phase of finalising the supply chain mapping for six main sectors, said Miti Deputy Minister Liew Chin Tong.

According to Liew, the six sectors are pharmaceuticals, medical devices, electrical and electronic, automotive, food processing, and personal protective equipment.

“This effort is part of the ministry’s initiative to establish sustainable and resilient supply chains, as outlined in one of the four missions of the New Industrial Masterplan 2030 (NIMP 2030), which focuses on safeguarding economic security and inclusivity,” Liew told the Dewan Rakyat on Monday during an oral quation-and-answer session.

He said that NIMP 2030, launched by the government in September last year, adopts a mission-based approach with 21 strategies and 62 action plans spread across four missions. The ministry, serving as the implementation coordinator, has identified 10 key action plans.

The four missions aim to advance economic complexity, foster a digitally vibrant nation, achieve net zero emissions, and ensure economic security and inclusivity.

Under the mission to advance economic complexity, Liew highlighted the launch of the National Semiconductor Strategy (NSS) in May to develop the semiconductor and electronics ecosystem and attract foreign investment. Additionally, the government launched the Chemical Industry Roadmap in August 2023 to support the specialty chemicals subsector.

Regarding the mission to foster a digitally vibrant nation, Liew said there are ongoing improvements to the readiness assessment programme under the National Policy on Industry 4.0 (Industry4WRD), which aims to establish 3,000 smart factories by 2030.

“Miti is currently finalising the TechUp programme in collaboration with SIRIM Bhd, the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), and financial institutions to facilitate these efforts,” Liew added.

Concerning the mission to achieve net zero emissions, Liew said that Miti is conducting a study on sectoral decarbonisation pathways, slated for completion by November 2024. Concurrently, efforts involving multiple ministries and agencies are underway to develop carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) as a new economic resource.

Liew also noted that the CCUS Bill is anticipated to be tabled in Parliament by the end of 2024, as a steering committee led by the Ministry of Economy examines various aspects of CCUS ecosystem development.

Source: The Edge Malaysia

MITI finalises supply chain mapping for six key sectors, says deputy minister

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The Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) aims to raise awareness about the abundance of job opportunities in high-skilled sectors.

Its Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz said he had visited several industrial plants in Penang and observed positive developments, particularly in the electrical and electronics (E&E) sector.

“The E&E sector is one of the focal points under the new industrial plan or National Semiconductor Strategy (NSS) recently launched. Penang is well-known as the country’s semiconductor hub.

“Alhamdulillah, we have learned about the progress and success of companies in Penang, especially our local companies in the E&E and semiconductor fields.

“These companies are also active, particularly in terms of talent development, focusing on students from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes and emphasising the importance of STEM. There are significant opportunities and demand for skilled professionals,” he said.

He made these remarks after visiting semiconductor industry plants in Penang today.

Tengku Zafrul also visited several plants, including Motorola Solutions, Abbott Medical Devices, Pentamaster, and UWC Technology in the state.

He added that the government aims to train 60,000 highly-skilled local engineers in the semiconductor industry, as previously announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Previously, Tengku Zafrul said shortage of the right skill workforce particularly in the engineering profession is the most challenging talent issue for Malaysia.

He emphasised on the importance of talent management as Malaysia is positioned well to ride on the current global trend.

Source: NST

‘Abundance of job opportunities in high-skilled sectors’, says Zafrul

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Efforts to produce more local talent should be supported not only by the high-tech industry but also intensified across various sectors to ensure the country’s economic growth, said Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz.

During an official visit to several electrical and electronic (E&E) and semiconductor facilities in Penang today, the minister noted that these companies were actively supporting the development of science, technology, engineering and mathematics talent, as well as technical and vocational education and training.

“We aim for various industries to support these efforts to boost Malaysia’s industrial sector,“ he said after the visit, emphasising that nurturing talent is a national responsibility.

Earlier, Tengku Zafrul visited Motorola Solutions, Abbott Medical Devices, Pentamaster and UWC Bhd facilities.

He said there is a need for the industry to be more proactive in raising awareness about the numerous job opportunities in the high-tech sector.

“For example, through the National Semiconductor Strategy (NSS), we are targeting 60,000 skilled workers in technology and engineering to attract high-quality investments that create high-income jobs,“ he said.

During the visit, Tengku Zafrul observed the companies’ progress in supporting the New Industrial Master Plan and their readiness to achieve the NSS targets.

The NSS, launched last month, focuses on sectors including E&E, with Penang as the hub for the country’s semiconductor industry.

Source: Bernama

MITI minister urges broader industry support for local talent development

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The implementation of investor-friendly policy by the State Government has brought positive development, including gaining attention from of one of the world’s economy leading nations, China.

Chairman of a government-linked company (GLC) in China, Chen Pengyu, said the policy was timely and will have a major impact in the development in the Asian region.

He said the policy had attracted more investors from his home country to engage in various industries in Sabah, particularly in the renewable and green energy sectors.

“Companies from China will be more interested in investing in Sabah and help the state move towards utilising green energy.

“I also hope that more companies from China and from around the world will invest in Sabah in the future … Sabah is a state worth investing in,” he said.

Chen said this after the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between the company he represents, Shanghai Vision Industrial Development and Bumi Borneo Consultant and Training, which will see both parties collaborate in the development of green energy in Sabah.

The MoU is part of the ‘business matching’ agenda witnessed at the 11th Sabah Oil, Gas and Energy Exhibition and Conference (SOGCE) 2024, which took place over two days starting Friday at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC).

Meanwhile, the managing Director of Bumi Borneo consultant and Training, Mohd Suffry Abdul Rahman, said the opportunity to collaborate with foreign companies was an ideal platform to fulfill the state government’s aspirations as a catalyst for green energy industry in Sabah.

“After the Sabah state government, through the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS), took over power in early January, we have been very positive.

“There have been changes in terms of energy procurement. Although it has only been five to six months, we are already seeing results.

“Last May, an open tender for solar was launched for all industry players to participate,” he added.

Earlier at the same event, an MoU was signed between Shanghai Vision Industrial Development and Bumi Borneo Consultant and Training thus establishing cooperation between both parties for the development of green energy in Sabah.

Source: Borneo Post

Investor-friendly policy a catalyst of green energy industry in Sabah

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NASDAQ-listed AGAPE ATP Corporation (ATPC) has set its eyes on Sabah’s solar farming industry as its next venture.

Prof Datuk Seri Dr How Kok Choong, the founder and global group chief executive officer of ATPC, incorporated the group back in 2016 with the aim of providing health and wellness solutions for today’s world.

It originally began with a focus on preventing diseases caused by pollution, poor diets, and unhealthy lifestyles through scientific and technological innovations.

“As we grew, we went for a listing on Nasdaq, which was a big milestone for us,” he said in an exclusive interview with The Borneo Post.

“Now, we are continuing our commitment to caring for the environment by venturing into green energy. It is an exciting journey, and we’re dedicated to making a positive impact on both health and the planet.”

How believed the power supply issues in Sabah are quite challenging, especially with the increasing demand from new businesses and investors.

“It is clear that we need to find sustainable solutions to support the region’s growth and ensure reliable energy for everyone,” he said.

When asked why they chose Sabah for their solar farm projects instead of other states, How said it was due to the state’s high potential for solar energy thanks to its sunny climate.

“Additionally, the current energy challenges in Sabah provide us with an opportunity to make a real difference and support the local community.

“The inspiration came from seeing the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions in Sabah. Solar energy is a clean and renewable option that can help address power shortages and support the region’s development in an environmentally friendly way.”

Some of the challenges include logistical issues due to remote locations, regulatory hurdles, and the need for significant upfront investment.

However, How said he and his team are working through these challenges with careful planning and collaboration with local stakeholders.

“We set up ATPC Green Energy as a subsidiary of Agape ATP Corporation for a few reasons. First off, it allows us to really focus on our renewable energy projects in Sabah,” he enthused.

“Having a dedicated company helps us streamline our efforts and bring in specialised talent to push these green energy projects forward.

“But, we are not stopping with just the project in Sabah. This new company is also a big part of our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

“We are aiming to build a comprehensive renewable energy ecosystem across the Asean region. This includes everything from energy-saving solutions to solar projects and other renewable technologies.

“Our goal is to develop a diverse portfolio, expand our energy-saving offerings, foster great partnerships, and capture a significant market share in the region.”

ATPC Green Energy’s main plan for helping Sabah reach its renewable energy goals is to build solar farms that will provide a reliable and sustainable energy source, which is exactly what the region needs to meet its growing energy demands.

“We’re really excited about these projects because they have the potential to make a big impact and support Sabah’s target of 80 per cent renewable energy capacity by 2050.

“Where solar farms will also significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuel-based power generation with clean, renewable energy. This will help mitigate climate change and promote a healthier environment for the people of Sabah.”

Source: Borneo Post

ATPC eyes Sabah’s solar farming

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More developers entering the segment

WITH demand for data centres “hotting up” as of late, it’s not surprising to see more property developers getting in on the action.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that Malaysia had approved Rm114.7bil worth of investments in data centres and cloud services between 2021 and 2023.

The past few weeks have seen several real estate players announcing land deals for data centre-related ventures.

Just this month, Mah Sing Group Bhd announced its maiden entry into the data centre sector, launching Mah Sing DC Hub@southville City with Bridge Data Centres Malaysia V Sdn Bhd.

The tie-up will jointly develop data centre facilities and infrastructure on a 17.55acre freehold land within the Southville City township in Bangi, Selangor.

Earlier this month as well, Eco World Development Group Bhd (Ecoworld Malaysia) struck a deal to dispose of 123.14 acres of industrial land in Eco Business Park VI in Kulai, Iskandar Malaysia, to Microsoft Payments (M) Sdn Bhd for Rm402.3mil cash, to expand its data centre hub down south.

This month also saw UEM Sunrise Bhd selling two land parcels in Iskandar Puteri, Johor to an undisclosed global data centre player for Rm144.9mil.

Last month, Sime Darby Property Bhd announced its partnership with Pearl Computing Malaysia Sdn Bhd to develop a hyperscale data centre at Elmina Business Park, Selangor.

The 20-year lease, valued at up to Rm2bil, will see the parties developing the data centre on 49 acres within the 1,500 acres Elmina Business Park.

Zerin Properties chief executive officer Previn Singhe acknowledges that the interest in data centres is growing, adding that it was no surprise that numerous developers are “joining in.”

“Data centres are crucial for storing and managing the increasing amount of digital information.

“Yes, I do see more developers getting involved in this trend. It’s a smart move because data centres are becoming an essential part of our digital world.

“As technology continues to grow, the demand for data centres will also rise, offering great opportunities for developers,” he tells Starbizweek.

With the growing popularity in demand for data centres, KGV International Property Consultants executive director Samuel Tan says it’s no surprise that developers are keen to jump on the bandwagon to ride on the “data centre hype.”

“This is especially so for land owners or developers that have huge landbank or newly developed industrial parks.”

Meanwhile, KGV International Property Consultants research head Tan Wee Tiam says the data centre-related land deals are a good way to monetise land and kickstart a development.

“There are practically new transactions every week involving investors looking towards Malaysia, particularly Johor Baru, as a regional data centre hub.”

Strong appeal

For property developers, Previn says the data centre segment offers revenue diversification and steady income streams.

“Data centres offer stable, long-term revenue through leasing agreements with tech companies and other enterprises.”

The high demand for data centres will help ensure steady income streams, says Previn.

“With the surge in cloud computing, ecommerce and big data, there’s a growing and consistent demand for data centre space.”

As technology advances, Previn says data becomes increasingly central to operations across various industries.

“Developers investing in data centres position themselves at the forefront of this technological shift.”

Going into data centre development is also part of a growing sustainability trend, Previn adds.

“Many companies are focusing on sustainable practices and green data centres are in demand. This aligns well with future-focused investment strategies.”

Noteworthy also is that data centre-related deals will offer collaboration opportunities to developers, Previn says.

“Developers can partner with tech giants, telecommunications companies and cloud service providers, fostering strong business relationships and new growth opportunities.

“Moreover, governments often provide incentives for tech infrastructure development, enhancing business prospects.”

Meanwhile, RHB Investment Bank analyst Loong Kok Wen says developers with sizable landbank will mostly benefit from the rising data centre wave.

“We think players with a vast landbank will likely be able to capture opportunities, especially those with land that comes equipped with ready infrastructure and located not far from major cities,” she says in a recent research note.

Loong believes that UEM Sunrise, Sime Darby Property, S P Setia, Mah Sing, Ecoworld Malaysia and AME Elite Consortium Bhd are potential developers that may benefit from demand for data centres, given the location, amenities and infrastructure of their existing landbank.

“As data centres have to be distant from residential and commercial property areas due to strict security reasons, developers may choose to have them set up in their existing industrial parks.”

Loong says recent land transactions by data centre players have certainly set a new pricing benchmark for industrial land nearby.

“We gather that more are entering the fray. More developers may consider co-investing with data centre users or building and leasing shell and core data centre facilities for recurring income.

“Developers may also form a joint venture with a data centre operator for co-location facilities.”

Loong says a stable of data centre facilities would provide monetisation opportunities in the future, given the long-term nature of data centre operations.

Going forward, Previn says the future of the data centre market in Malaysia looks bright.

“Our strategic location in South-east Asia, combined with our advanced infrastructure and growing digital economy, makes Malaysia an attractive place for data centre investments.

“We can expect to see continued growth, with more local and international companies setting up their data centres here.

“This will also create more job opportunities and boost our economy. So, overall, the outlook is very positive.”

Source: The Star

Data centre appeal

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Track record, IBS make group a strong contender

“With the RM1bil total new wins for an industrial warehouse and semiconductor factory announced on June 21, this data centre project brings year-to-date FY25 wins to RM1.3bil.” CGS International Research

IJM Corp Bhd is the latest construction outfit to win a data centre job and it may play catch up to other contractors such as Sunway Construction Group Bhd (Suncon) and Gamuda Bhd, which have been winning more jobs in the data centre space.

IJM announced on Wednesday that it has been awarded its first data centre win, a Rm331.7mil contract to design and construct Block 2 of the Iskandar Puteri Data Centre in Johor, for TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd.

Construction begins from July this year and the project is slated for completion in the third quarter of 2025.

CGS International Research (CGSI Research) said IJM is likely to win more jobs in the data centre sector due to its strong track record in building projects and also its industrialised building system (IBS) plant in Bestari Jaya, Selangor.

The research house added that Suncon may be more selective in its tenders, given the urgency to complete the Sedenak data centre in Johor, while Gamuda’s strategy is to target hyperscalers that value speed of construction.

According to CGSI Research, IJM’S latest contract win is different from Telekom Malaysia Bhd and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd’s announcement on June 18, which was to develop a hyper-connected artificial intelligence-ready data centre campus in Johor with an initial capacity of 64 megawatt (MW) – potentially to be scaled up to 200MW.

The research house said IJM appears to be on track to achieve its RM5bil new order target for the financial year ending March 31, 2025 versus Rm3.7bil in the financial year 2024 (FY24), with a total order book of Rm7.3bil as at June.

“With the Rm1bil total new wins for an industrial warehouse and semiconductor factory announced on June 21, this data centre project brings year-to-date FY25 wins to RM1.3bil.

“Other potential wins include the North Pantai Expressway extension (Rm1bil), civil servant housing project in Nusantara Indonesia (Rm1bil), Penang light rail transit, ART Blue Line in Sarawak and other industrial buildings, data centres and semiconductor factories,” it added.

The research house reiterates its “add” call on the counter with a target price (TP) of RM3.66 as it continues to like IJM as a diversified infrastructure proxy in Malaysia.

Meanwhile, RHB Research estimates around 20% to 30% of IJM’S construction order book comes from industrial jobs.

“In fact, IJM stands to be the contractor with the highest number of industrial job wins (excluding data centres) in the past 12 months compared to other Malaysian large-cap contractors.

“IJM has two factories for industrial concrete piles in Ulu Choh and Senai, Johor, which we view may be utilised for providing concrete piles for the latest data centre job.”

Source: The Star

IJM likely to win more data centre jobs

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Kedah secured the top spot in approved investments among the states for the first quarter (Q1) of 2024 with RM31.3 billion in investments.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said the figure was part of the total RM83.7 billion approved investments in Malaysia for Q1 2024.

He said the approved investments in Kedah were for 51 projects, which are expected to create 2,262 jobs.

“Kedah tops the other states with the highest approved investment value, comprising RM30.9 billion in investments in the manufacturing sector and RM327.6 million in investments in the services sector.

“From the total, RM30.6 billion or 97.7 per cent are foreign direct investments (FDI) while the remaining RM656.2 million or 2.3 are domestic investments.

Sanusi said Kedah has large tracts of land that can be developed, positioning the state as a main investment destination.

He added that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is expected to witness the memoranda of understanding signing ceremony involving four main investors.

“The prime minister is also expected to launch the groundbreaking ceremony for Phase 4A of the Kulim Hi-Tech Park (KHTP),” he said.

Sanusi said the development of Phase 4 of KHTP covering 104 hectares of land was funded by a loan disbursed by the state government.

Source: NST

Kedah tops Q1 2024 with RM31.3 billion in approved investments

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The Digital Ministry said 5,331 companies have been granted Malaysia Digital (MD) status as of March 31, with over 73 per cent of them local firms.

The ministry said these local companies explore and conduct activities in the provision of high-value digital products and services using the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, internet of things, cybersecurity, financial technology, and drones.

“Various incentives and benefits are also offered to MD companies to accelerate growth and increase spillover effects to the economy as well as strengthening the country’s digital ecosystem,” the Digital Ministry said in the Dewan Rakyat today in a written reply to V. Ganabatirau (PH-Klang), who asked about the statistics with regard to local companies in the field of information technology from 2020 to 2023, and if there are plans to increase them.

The Digital Ministry, through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, is working to increase the potential and competitiveness of local companies in providing hi-tech products and services that can penetrate global markets via the Gateway Amplify Invest Nurture programme.

“As of March 2024, 300 companies have participated in this programme, recording a cumulative export total of RM11.265 billion,” it said.

Source: Bernama

Over 5,000 firms granted Malaysia Digital status as of March 31

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The country needs to address the challenges faced in developing the right human workforce, particularly the engineering profession as it moves towards the successful execution of the government’s economic plans, namely the New Industrial Master Plan (NIMP) 2030 and the National Semiconductor Strategy (NSS).

Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz said without the right human capital and the right talent management of human capital, it is difficult for the country to realise its dreams and aspiration to become an industrialised nation.

He said that given the geopolitical environment today, Malaysia is at a sweet spot where industries are converging, and companies are realigning and redefining their supply chains.

“Malaysia is involved with 16 free trade agreements (FTAs), both bilaterally and multilaterally. And in those FTAs, talent is the focus because we want the economic spillover effects to benefit the local communities,” he said in a panel session entitled ‘Strategic Integration of Trade, Talent Management and Industry Policies: Fuelling Economic Growth Through Human Capital Development’ for ‘The Ministers Leading From the Front: Creating A Talent-Driven Economy — Government Policies and Practices’ programme here on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Tengku Zafrul told the media that the government plans to be “agile” and dynamic and to use the “whole of government approach” which involves all the ministries that have engagement sessions with industry.

“With this approach, I am optimistic that the country will be able to speed up efforts to train and produce the necessary engineers,” he said.

Although Malaysia is not producing that many (engineers), Tengku Zafrul said there have been improvements in the (number of) enrolments according to the Higher Education Ministry.

“At least it is moving in the right direction. There is no quick fix for this,” said Tengku Zafrul.

He said it is important to destigmatise the traditional and conventional view on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) especially to parents, families and guardians, and stressed that TVET is equally important and not secondary to the academic track.

“However, I think this is slowly changing. Even when looking at developed countries, TVET is a crucial stream towards industrialisation, for example in Germany and many other countries.

“We must ‘widen the talent funnel’, which must begin at primary school. We need to build a robust pipeline of future-ready industrial workforce primed for embracing innovation in key technologies,” he said.

In the next five to 10 years, Malaysia is targeting 60,000 skilled technology/engineering-based talents to attract high-quality investments that creates higher-paying jobs.

Source: Bernama

Malaysia needs to address workforce challenges to execute economic plans — Tengku Zafrul

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Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Aziz today expressed hope that German Vocational Education and Training (TVET), or German Dual Vocational Training, will be intensified to address the talent shortage in the semiconductor sector.

He said the government has agreed to provide RM25 billion in fiscal support to operationalise the National Semiconductor Strategy (NSS).

This includes a RM1.2 billion allocation to train and upskill 60,000 high-skilled Malaysian engineers to tackle the talent shortage in the sector.

“Apart from the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry’s joint efforts with the Ministries of Human Resources and Higher Education, we welcome the Malaysia-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (MGCC) tireless efforts in coordinating German TVET or German Dual Vocational Training.

“Given the hundreds of German companies in Malaysia, I hope this highly regarded programme can be intensified to continue upskilling the next generation of Malaysian workers within your organisations, particularly in the semiconductor industry,” he said at the MGCC annual general meeting today.

Also present were the Ambassador of Germany to Malaysia Dr Peter Blomeyer, MGCC executive director Jan Noether, MGCC president Tim Groth, and MGCC vice president Geetha Kandiah.

Tengku Zafrul also proposed a Malaysian-German partnership in digitalisation.

“One exciting area is digitising the halal ecosystem and halal economy. Although Malaysia has made significant strides and built its leadership in the halal industry, there is still much more we can do beyond innovating the next award-winning sukuk model,” he said.

He said while German companies that are strong in digitalisation can support Malaysia in using technologies such as blockchain to secure the integrity of the halal supply chain, Malaysia can offer its expertise, infrastructure, and robust halal regulatory framework to serve the global halal market, which is estimated to reach US$5 trillion by 2030.

He mentioned that the European Union-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is still under consideration, saying, “We are looking at the terms.”

Furthermore, Malaysia has ratified and implemented two of the world’s largest regional free trade agreements: the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

“Both present expanded prospects not only for our key trading partners under the agreements but also for foreign investors, including German companies, in Malaysia,” he said, adding that being part of these trade pacts allows Malaysia to explore new levels of trade cooperation.

In addition to several FTAs in the pipeline to be concluded this year, he said, “Malaysia is always ready to collaborate with Germany on high-quality projects that will mutually benefit both our countries and industries.”

Source: Bernama

German TVET, RM1.2b NSS funding to address industrial, semiconductor talent crunch, says Tengku Zafrul

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Higher investments and exports will support Malaysia’s economic growth though consumer spending is likely to stay subdued, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (ANZ) said.

Gross fixed capital formation, capital goods imports and rising manufacturing productions point to more robust investment activity in 2024, ANZ said in its quarterly outlook note. New export orders and intermediate goods imports have also risen, indicating that exports are likely to recover further, it said.

Uncertainties surrounding the petrol subsidy rationalisation and its impact on household purchasing power will impede consumption spending in the near term, ANZ flagged. ANZ’s forecast is for Malaysia’s economic growth to come in at 4.2% this year.

That compares to the official projection of 4%-5% growth this year. Malaysia is betting on exports recovery and higher tourist arrivals to bolster consumer spending and business investments. In the first quarter, gross domestic product grew 4.2% year-on-year.

Earlier this month, the government announced withdrawal of the blanket diesel subsidy and floated retail diesel prices in Peninsular Malaysia. The subsidy rationalisation for RON95, the most widely-used petrol variant, is expected to follow suit.

On its own, the adjustment in diesel prices will have little impact on the inflation outlook as only 1% of personal transport vehicles run on diesel, while the second-round effects should also be “limited”, ANZ noted.

The rationaliszation of petrol subsidy, however, will have “a more substantial impact” on overall inflation, ANZ said. It expects headline consumer price increase to average 2.9% in 2024 and 2.7% in 2025.

Still, “timely implementation of targeted subsidies for the RON95 fuel will be necessary to avoid the risk of a fiscal slippage”, ANZ stressed.

Malaysia’s central bank, meanwhile, will see any spike in inflation as a one-time structural adjustment in prices, which would not warrant any monetary policy action, ANZ said.

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) will likely keep the overnight policy rate unchanged at 3.00% till the end of 2024, according to ANZ. “There is no urgency to cut rates with real rates at low levels and wide negative spread of local rates over the USD interest rates,” it added.

BNM has kept the benchmark rate unchanged since it was last raised in May 2023 by 25 basis points.

Source: The Edge Malaysia

Higher investments, exports to support Malaysia’s growth amid tepid consumer spending — ANZ

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THE manufacturing sector, Malaysia’s third-largest carbon emitter, is at a pivotal point, requiring transformational changes to cut its greenhouse gas emissions.

Recognising this need, the government is promoting green manufacturing through the Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry’s National Industry Environmental, Social and Governance (i-ESG) framework.

This initiative is a cornerstone of the New Industrial Master Plan 2030, which sets a strategic roadmap towards sustainability and achieving net-zero emissions by 2030.

According to Lenovo Group Ltd director of Greater Asia Pacific region services sales Ronnie Lee, the i-ESG framework integrates environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles to align industrial growth with global sustainability standards.

“It emphasises implementing eco-friendly practices, enhancing energy efficiency, reducing waste and improving the overall environmental footprint of manufacturing operations. Digitalisation is central to this transition,” he said.


Adopting technology-enabled sustainability practices in manufacturing significantly contributes to achieving sustainability goals.

“Digitised operations allow manufacturers to monitor and optimise energy consumption, reduce waste and enhance resource efficiency.

“Meanwhile, smart sensors and IoT (Internet of Things) devices provide real-time data on equipment performance and energy use, facilitating predictive maintenance, preventing equipment failures and reducing downtime, thus contributing to energy savings and operational efficiency,” said Lee.

He said digitalisation enhances supply chain resilience by helping manufacturers anticipate disruptions, optimise inventory management and streamline logistics.

“Digital tools and advanced analytics predict demand fluctuations, enabling proactive adjustments to production schedules and inventory levels. This reduces the risk of overproduction and waste, making supply chains more responsive and resilient to changes and unexpected events.”

Additionally, smart manufacturing advances sustainable product design and resource management.

For instance, 3D printing minimises material usage through its

layered construction method, which utilises precisely the required amount of material. It supports on-demand production to reduce inventory waste and enables localised production to reduce transportation emissions.

Many 3D printers use recyclable materials to lower environmental impact and energy consumption.


Despite the evident benefits, Lee said the transition to smart manufacturing in Malaysia faces considerable resistance.

“A staggering 80 per cent of organisations are hesitant to adopt smart manufacturing technologies due to a lack of awareness about the tangible benefits and perceived financial and technical barriers,” he said.

Lee said many leaders are intimidated by the upfront costs associated with digitalisation, including investment in new technologies and workforce training. Additionally, there is a lack of understanding of how these technologies integrate into existing processes and the longterm return on investment (ROI).

“Overcoming this resistance requires a concerted effort to educate and support organisations, demonstrating the clear link between digital investments and enhanced sustainability and profitability,” he said.


When considering technology investments, Lee said organisations

must evaluate several key factors:

1. Alignment with strategic goals: Technology investments should align with the organisation’s long-term strategic goals, particularly those regarding sustainability and efficiency.

2. Scalability and flexibility:

Any chosen solution should be scalable to accommodate future growth and adaptable to evolving business needs. Flexibility is crucial to ensure seamless integration with existing systems, allowing organisations to expand their capabilities without significant disruptions.

3. Cost-benefit analysis:

A thorough cost-benefit analysis should be conducted to evaluate the potential return on investment (ROI), considering both financial returns and sustainability

gains. This comprehensive view helps manufacturers make informed decisions that balance economic and environmental benefits.

4. Vendor support and expertise: Partnering with technology providers who offer comprehensive support and possess a proven track record of successful implementations is crucial. Such vendors can provide the expertise and resources necessary to navigate the complexities of new technology adoption, ensuring smooth deployment and ongoing operational success.

By embracing digitalisation and aligning with the i-ESG framework, the manufacturing sector can make significant strides towards reducing its carbon footprint and achieving its long-term sustainability goals.

Source: NST

How digitalisation drives green manufacturing

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