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Malaysia is committed to investing in continuous training for our workforce to ensure they remain responsive to evolving business needs and rapid technological advancements. The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) recognises the crucial role of cultivating a future-ready talent pool to meet the evolving demands of industries. Collaboration between the public and private sectors is key to building a sustainable talent pipeline that drives innovation in businesses. These partnerships focus on mitigating the skilled talent shortage and establishing a robust talent pipeline attractive to progressive companies.
For many years, Malaysia has embraced the presence of expatriates who have made valuable contributions to its economy and enriched its multicultural makeup. This is particularly evident in areas where there is a shortage of skilled Malaysians, allowing companies to hire expatriates for ‘Key Posts’ or ‘Term Posts’. Key Posts are positions permanently filled by expatriates, while Term Posts are filled by expatriates for a specified period, to be later replaced by Malaysians. The Government aspires for all Malaysians to be eventually trained by knowledge transfer from expatriates and secure jobs at all levels.
In a pivotal move on 23 January 2003, MIDA was entrusted by the Government through the Cabinet Committee Meeting on National Competitiveness and Liberalisation of Employment of Expatriates in the Manufacturing and Manufacturing Related Sectors, with the responsibility to evaluate and manage expatriate posts applications for these vital sectors. This mandate underscores the government’s commitment to integrating expatriates in a way that supports Malaysia’s long-term developmental and economic strategies.
One of the key initiatives in advancing Malaysia’s economic growth and investment objectives is the implementation of digital governance and streamlined business processes through the Single Window Platform (SWP), also known as the Xpats Gateway System. The SWP is more than just a facilitator. It is a game changer in how Malaysia manages expatriate workflows and regulatory compliance.
The Single Window Platform (SWP) was introduced on 15 June 2023, with the aim of expediting the processing of expatriate Employment Pass (EP) applications for companies overseen by Malaysia’s approving agencies or regulatory bodies. It has standardised and optimised the processing timeline for Support Letter applications across all approving agencies, with approvals usually granted within 10 working days after all necessary documents are submitted. For companies on fast track or in Tier 1 and Tier 2 categories, this period is reduced to 3 working days, demonstrating a significant improvement in efficiency.
Companies in Peninsular Malaysia, with approved status in the manufacturing and selected services sectors, as well as Representative Offices (REs) and Regional Offices (ROs), are eligible to apply for expatriate positions and Employment Passes (EP) through the Xpats Gateway System. The system is accessible via the ESD Online System at https://esd.imi.gov.my/portal/application-status/. This streamlined process ensures that applications are directed to MIDA for the issuance of the Expatriate Post Approval and EP Support Letter.
For companies in the manufacturing and selected services sectors located in Sabah and Sarawak, the application process for expatriate post applications and applications for RE/RO status can be done through the InvestMalaysia portal at https://investmalaysia.mida.gov.my/EIP/InvestMalaysia.aspx.
MIDA has evaluated a total of 17,843 applications between 15 June 2023, and 27 May 2024, indicating the growing interest in Malaysia as an investment destination. Anticipating new challenges for 2024 and beyond, MIDA will continue its efforts in strategising initiatives and plans that align the availability and readiness of Malaysians for the industry with conducive economic development.
For more details please reach out to MIDA’s Industry Talent Management and Expatriate Division at https://www.mida.gov.my/staffdirectory/industry-talent-management-and-expatriate-division/</p