Shining a Light on Malaysia's Investment Environment: The Business Year expands coverage of the Malaysian business landscape in 2020 - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Shining a Light on Malaysia’s Investment Environment: The Business Year expands coverage of the Malaysian business landscape in 2020

>Special Features>Shining a Light on Malaysia’s Investment Environment: The Business Year expands coverage of the Malaysian business landscape in 2020

Shining a Light on Malaysia's Investment Environment: The Business Year expands coverage of the Malaysian business landscape in 2020

The Business Year (TBY) is back in Malaysia for 2020! In partnership with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), TBY will be taking the microscope to Malaysia’s digital economy and innovation environment via its latest Malaysia-focused publication, Special Report, The Business Year: Malaysia 2020 on #Industry4WRD.


This Special Report is part of a series of niche publications focusing on certain aspects and industries in TBY’s 35 global markets. With a focus on financial services, industry and innovation, aerospace and automotive, digital economy and entrepreneurship as well as mobility and logistics, this Special Report will set out the advantages and challenges of investing in Malaysia, told through the words of the business community.


Additionally, TBY and MIDA are set to gather senior public officials and top local and foreign business leaders at a full-day conference in London during the fourth quarter in 2020. With a particular focus on innovative industries and encouraging entrepreneurship, the inaugural flagship event will not only serve as the launching platform for the Special Report, The Business Year: Malaysia 2020 on #Industry4WRD but also aims to bring relevant stakeholders together to drive the conversation on the topic. This is the latest in a series of high-profile business events organised across the world by TBY team.



Hosting this event in London is a strategic way for Malaysia to showcase its ambition to the global investor community as a promising investment destination while building upon the strong bilateral relations between Malaysia and the UK.


Who is The Business Year?

TBY is a global media group that provides investors, businesses, and governments with first-hand insights into the world’s most dynamic markets for over a decade. It conducts hundreds of interviews a week with top decision-makers in the Middle East, Latin America, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. Its country-specific publications are also among the most comprehensive annual economic publications available internationally.


TBY’s Malaysia coverage began in 2016 with the latest publication on the country for 2019. MIDA has partnered with TBY together with the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) for the production of The Business Year: Malaysia 2019 featuring economic opportunities in Malaysia. Having Malaysia’s GDP grown almost five-fold over the past 20 years, TBY’s research ahead of the 2019 publication was carried out against a backdrop of successful diversified growth, a goal many economies struggle to achieve.


The publication which was published in August 2019 covered every major sector within the Malaysian economy including finance, energy, green economy, industry and high technology, transport, construction, real estate, health, education, tourism, and retail. Among the high-profile personalities from across the country interviewed by TBY are Dato’ Khairussaleh Ramli, Group Managing Director and CEO of RHB Banking Group; YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC); Mr. Chong Yee Mun, CEO of Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC); YBhg. Datuk Dr. Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman, President and CEO of Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT); Dr. James Tee, Managing Director and CEO of Medini Iskandar Malaysia (MIM); and YB Datuk Mohamaddin Ketapi, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC). The publication also included a range of analysis on key areas including Islamic finance, solar energy, nanotechnology and the Penang Automation Cluster.


The full publication of The Business Year: Malaysia 2019 can be read at:

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