Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Section - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Section

Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Section

Our Functions

  • Establishes a dedicated function within MIDA for long-term strategic planning, institutional reforms, and performance alignment, while also improving administrative efficiency and operational coordination;
  • Enhances good corporate governance frameworks to ensure compliance with internal and external regulations;
  • Manage and oversee the establishment, execution, and evaluation of MOUs/MOAs between MIDA and strategic partners;
  • Oversee, coordinate and strategise the initiatives on MIDA’s revenue generation that align with MIDA’s requirements and capabilities;
  • Identify and cultivate potential strategies, mechanisms, policies, and guidelines of MIDA’s revenue generation while incorporating principles of good governance to maintain ethical and responsible practices; and
  • Assess and conduct market research and industry trend analysis, while exploring partnerships and collaborations with other organisations to discover new and potential revenue streams for MIDA.


Need any guidance?
Contact us.

Tel : +603-2267 3657
Fax : -


Let us know how we can help.



Level 21, MIDA Sentral
No.5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur Sentral
50470 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Information

No. Name Position Direct Line Division Email (
1.Awangku Fiarulnazri Awang TajudinHead of Section+603-2267 6682Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionawangku
2.Fatimah Az Zahra Mohd RipinDeputy Director+603-2263 2483Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionfatimahzahra
3.Rowena Chin I-LinDeputy Director+603-2267 6664Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionrowena
4.Hanis Ilyana Md IsaSr. Assistant Director+603-2267 6694Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionhanis
5.Lee Sin WeiAssistant Director+603-2267 3757Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionsinwei
6.Nur Fatihah HassanAssistant Executive+603-2267 3657Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionfatihah
7.Yuvanraj RamachandranAssistant Executive+603-2267 3676Corporate Strategy and Revenue Management Sectionyuvanraj