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Conducted in two phases across the nation, the outreach programme will be an avenue for industry players to understand the Industry4WRD related programmes and incentives offered by the Government such as Readiness Assessment, Intervention Fund, Domestic Investment Strategic Fund (DISF) and Automation Capital Allowance (Automation CA).
The outreach programme’s first phase is scheduled for February to April 2020 and will be held in collaboration with relevant Ministries, Agencies and business associations throughout Malaysia.
To encourage more local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) stakeholders within the manufacturing and related services sectors to embrace Industry 4.0, the Government has introduced a new incentive, known as the Industry4WRD Intervention Fund.
This is in tandem with the National Policy on Industry 4.0, which introduced the Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA). The RA is a comprehensive programme to help SMEs to assess their capabilities and readiness to adopt Industry 4.0 technologies and processes. Upon completion of the RA programme, companies will be given recommendations to prepare feasible strategies and plan to move towards implementing Industry 4.0 in their operations. To materialise the recommendations that have been put forward, SMEs are encouraged to apply for the Intervention Fund through the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA).
On 20 January 2020, YB Dr. Ong Kian Ming, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry, officiated the Seminar on Industry4WRD Incentives, kick-starting the Nationwide Industry4WRD Outreach Programme for the year 2020.
Industry4WRD Intervention Fund
What is the incentive?
It is a matching grant (70:30) on reimbursable basis based on eligible expenditures, up to a maximum grant of Ringgit Malaysia Five Hundred Thousand (RM500,000.00). This fund aims to support SMEs in implementing intervention projects based on the recommendation of Industry4WRD Readiness Assessment (RA) Report on the shift factors of people, process and technology.
Who are eligible?
What are the eligible expenditures?
What are the important timelines?
Expenditures must be incurred not more than 12 months from the date of approval by MIDAClaims for remaining grants must be submitted not more than 18 months from the date of approval by MIDA.
Last date for application submission is 31 December 2021
What are the process workflow?
IIFC = Industry4WRD Intervention Fund Approval Committee
JPPG = Coordination & Disbursement of Grants Committee
What are the documents needed?
What to put in Technical Proposal?
Application Form, Template Technical Proposal, Guidelines & Process Workflow are available in MIDA Website: https://www.mida.gov.my/home/industry4wrd-incentives/posts/
To submit applications (in hardcopy) to:
Chief Executive Officer
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
MIDA Sentral,
No. 5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur.