duty exemption sector group A - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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duty exemption sector group A

Manufacturers in Principal Customs Area (PCA), companies engaged in hotel business, haulage operators and aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) companies can be given exemption on import duty and/or sales tax on machinery, equipment, spare parts, prime movers, container trailers, specialised tools, components, materials or specialised consumables goods.


Eligible companies should apply to MIDA for the Surat Pengesahan MIDA (SPM) and subsequently submit to Customs the MIDA confirmation letter and the list of machinery, equipment, spare parts, prime movers, container trailers, specialised tools, components, materials or specialised consumables goods to be imported or purchased for permission from Customs to claim for the exemption.


The key areas of exemptions are:

1. Manufacturers in Principal Custom Area (PCA)

2. Companies Engaged in Hotel Business

3. Haulage Operators

4. Aerospace Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) Companies
