Manufacturing Sector group A - MIDA | Malaysian Investment Development Authority
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Manufacturing Sector group A

1. Application for New Manufacturing Licence

Guideline on Application for Manufacturing Licence (ML)


Company engaging in the following activities are exempted from requiring a Manufacturing Licence from MITI:

  • Milling of paddy into rice;
  • Milling of oil palm fresh fruits into crude palm oil; and
  • Production and processing of raw natural rubber of all types including latex, skim, sheets, crepes, scrap, technically-specified rubbers, non-standard and modified rubbers or any other un-vulcanised form of natural rubber prepared by any patented or technically specified procedure.

2. Application for Manufacturing Licence on Expansion and/or Diversification Project by a Licenced Manufacturer or by an Existing Non-Licenced Manufacturer

Guideline on Application for Manufacturing Licence (ML)

3. Application for Confirmation Letter for a Company Exempted from Manufacturing Licence (ICA10)

Guideline on Application for Exemption from Manufacturing Licence



Confirmation Letter for company exempted from Manufacturing Licence can be used to apply for incentives and facilities from Government such as for consideration of import duty exemptions for machinery and equipment and raw materials under Customs Duties (Exemption) Order 2017 and Sales Tax (Persons Exempted from Payment Of Tax) Order 2018; as well as investment incentives under the Promotion of Investment Act 1986 and Income Tax Act 1967.
